227 Hits for August 2020

Albums (0) & Images (227)

Creagerstown Snow Crew 001
Creagerstown St John Reformed Church Interior 1916
Creagerstown St John's Lutheran Church 001
Creagerstown St John's Lutheran Church 002A JAK
Creagerstown St John's Lutheran Church 002B JAK
Creagerstown St Johns Church 001 RuthP
Creagerstown St Johns Church Builder Owen Shirley
Deerfield School Class 001 SB
Deerfield School Class 002 SB
Deerfield School Class 1896 JAK 001
Eby's Store 001 DB1
Eyler General Merchandise 001 DB
Favorite Estate Receipt 001 SB
Floyd "Fatty" Mesner and Red's Fisher beside the Creagerstown store in 1979.  Fatty was well know for driving his tractor everywhere. It looks like the may have been some work being done to the store as there is roofing tin laying against the wall.
Floyd "Fatty" Mesner and Red's Fisher beside the Creagerstown store in 1979.  Fatty was well know for driving his tractor everywhere. It looks like the may have been some work being done to the store as there is roofing tin laying against the wall.
Harne Letter 1900 001 SB
High Bridge 006 JAK
High Bridge 007 THS
High Bridge 010A JAK
High Bridge 010B JAK
High Bridge 010C JAK