Photos of the Frederick area including Libertytown.
Jug Bridge KarWis 005B
Jug Bridge KarWis 006
Landis Restaurant 001 RuthP
Libertytown H095
Monocacy Battlefield 001 RuthP
Morris Iron and Steel Works 001
Mt Olivet Cem Frederick 001 RuthP
Mt Olivet Cem Frederick 002 RuthP
Mt Olivet Cem Frederick 003 RuthP
Mt Olivet Cem Frederick 004 RuthP
Mt Olivet Cem Frederick 005 RuthP
Mt Olivet Cemetery 001A BuzzM
Mt Olivet Cemetery 001B BuzzM
New London Mill 001
Nikirk Barn Sign 001A
Nikirk Barn Sign 001B
Old Inn Frederick 001 RuthP
Old Trinity Chapel 001 JAK
Old Trinity Chapel 001B JAK
Ox Fiber Brush 001 RuthP
Ox Fiber Brush 002 RuthP
Ox Fiber Brush 003 RuthP
Ox Fiber Brush 004 RuthP
Ox Fibre Brush Works 001
Peoples Fire Insurance Building 001

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