Photos and documents related to the Schools in Thurmont.

Thurmont High School Class of 1939 DB
Thurmont High School Class of 1943
Thurmont High School Class of 1944
Thurmont High School Class of 1944B
Thurmont High School Class of 1946
Thurmont High School Class of 1951
Thurmont High School Class of 1952
Thurmont High School Class of 1955
Thurmont High School Class of 1957
Thurmont High School Class of 1958
Thurmont High School Class of 1960
Thurmont High School Class of 1961
Thurmont High School Class of 1965
Thurmont High School Coach Birkland 001 IM
Thurmont High School Crossing Guards 001
Thurmont High School FFA 1946 001 JAK
Thurmont High School Girls Basketball Allstars 1936
Thurmont High School Girls Basketball Team 1936
Thurmont High School Girls Field Ball Team 1948 THS
Thurmont High School Glee Club 1949 001 THS
Thurmont High School Glee Club 1949 002 THS
Thurmont High School Glee Club 1949 003 THS
Thurmont High School Glee Club 1949 004 THS
Thurmont High School Glee Club 1956 001 THS
Thurmont High School Glee Club 1956 002 THS

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