Camp Cozy, Carroll Street, Central Trust, Christmas Lights, Churches, Citizens Savings, Creager and Sons, Creeger Motors, Crows Nest, etc.
Christmas Greetings 1940 016 Willhide and Creeger
Christmas Greetings 1940 017 Creager Flower Shop
Christmas Greetings 1940 018 Nogle's Fountain Service
Christmas Greetings 1940 019 Pines Art Gifts
Christmas Greetings 1940 020 Nogle's Fountain Service
Christmas Lights 001
Christmas Lights 002
Christmas Lights 003
Christmas Lights 004 JAK
Christmas Tree Town Square 001 GWW
Christmas Tree Town Square 001 GWW
Church of the Brethren 002
Church of the Brethren
Church on Altamont H014
Citizens Elec Light and Power Co of Thurmont 1909-10-02 JAK 001A
Citizens Elec Light and Power Co of Thurmont 1909-10-02 JAK 001B
Citizens Elec Light and Power Co of Thurmont 1909-10-02 JAK 002
Citizens Savings Bank 001
Citizens Savings Bank 002 DB
Citizens Savings Bank 002B DB
Citizens Savings Bank Ad 12-29-1921 001 JAK
Citizens Savings Bank Envelope 001 JAK
Clabaugh's Saw Mill 001A JAK
Clabaugh's Saw Mill 001B JAK
Clabaugh's Saw Mill 002 JAK

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