The photos in this album were provided through the courtesy of Ruth Powell. The photos include Thurmont, Lewistown, Mountain Dale, Frederick and other locations. There are many individuals and groups included in these photos and help with identifying any of those pictured would be appreciated.
Rice, John William 001 RP
Rice, Stella 001 RP
Rice, Stella 002 RP
Rice, Stella 003 RP
Rice, William and sister Stella 001 RP
Rice, William or Calvin 001 RP
Rice's Store 001 RP
Rice's Store 002 RP
Rosehill 001 RP
Ruth 001 RP
Ruth 002 RP
Salamander Rock Tower 001 RP
Salamander Rock Tower 001B RP
Salamander Tower 001 RP
Sandy Hole Thurmont 001 RP
Sawmill 003 RP
Sewing Party Lewistown 001 RP
Sewing Party Lewistown 001B RP
Shelving Rock 001 RP
Shelving Rock 002 RP
Snook House 001 RP
Spencer Rice Cabin 001 RP
Statue of Liberty 001 RP
Stines Sawmill 001A RP
Stines Sawmill 001B RP

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