The photos in this album were provided through the courtesy of Ruth Powell. The photos include Thurmont, Lewistown, Mountain Dale, Frederick and other locations. There are many individuals and groups included in these photos and help with identifying any of those pictured would be appreciated.
Ledger Page 001 RP
Lewistown Methodist Church 001 RP
Lewistown Methodist Church 002 RP
Lewistown Mt Prospect 001 RP
Lewistown Mt Prospect 002 RP
Lewistown Station 001 RP
Lewistown Sunday School Group 001 A RuthP
Lewistown Sunday School Group 001B RuthP
Lewistown Sunday School Group 002A RuthP
Lewistown Sunday School Group 002B RP
Lewistown Sunday School Picnic 001 RP
Lewistown Sunday School Picnic 002 RP
Lewistown Sunday School Picnic 003 RP
Luther and Famiy 001 RP
Luther and Famiy 002 RP
Luthers Sawmill 001 RP
Maple Inn 001 RP
May Day School Festival 001 RP
May, James 001 RP
May, James May's Black Smith Shop 001 RP
May, James May's House 001 RP
Methodist Church Lewistown 001 RP
Middletown View 001A RP
Middletown View 001B RP
Monocacy Battlefield 001 RP

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