The photos in this album were provided through the courtesy of Ruth Powell. The photos include Thurmont, Lewistown, Mountain Dale, Frederick and other locations. There are many individuals and groups included in these photos and help with identifying any of those pictured would be appreciated.
Frederick Street Scene 003 RP
Frederick Street Scene 004 RP
Geasey House 001 RP
Geasey House 001B RP
Geasey Kids 1946 001 RP
Geasey, Hog Pen 001 RP
Geasey, Luther and Stella Rice 001 RP
Geasey, Luther and Stella Rice 002 RP
Geasey, Luther and Stella Rice 1942 002 RP
Geasey, Luther and Stella Rice 1943 002 RP
Geasey, Luther Sr and Jr 1939 001 RP
Geasey, Stella and Mamie Staley 001 RP
Geasey, Stella Rice 1969 001 RP
Gladhill, Florence 001 RP
Grotto Emmitsburg 001 RP
Grotto Emmitsburg 002 RP
Group 001 RP
Group 002 RP
Group 003 RP
Group 004 RP
Group 005 RP
Group 006 RP
Group 007 RP
Group of Children 001 RP
Group of Girls 001 RP

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