The photos in this album were provided through the courtesy of Ruth Powell. The photos include Thurmont, Lewistown, Mountain Dale, Frederick and other locations. There are many individuals and groups included in these photos and help with identifying any of those pictured would be appreciated.
Catoctin Furnace 006 RP
Chestnut Tree 001 RP
Chestnut Tree 002 RP
Chimney Rock 001 RP
Chimney Rock 002 RP
Corn Field 001 RP
Creagerstown Fire 1914 001 RP
Creagerstown Scene 001 RP
Creagerstown St Johns Church 001 RP
Crows Nest 001 RP
Crows Nest 001B RP
Eaton, Carrie 001 RP
Elm Street School Frederick 001 RP
Elm Street School Frederick 002 RP
Elm Street School Frederick 003 RP
Fishing Creek at Rte 15 001 RP
Fox Family 001 RP
Fox, Arthur Fox 001 RP
Frederick Central National Bank 001 RP
Frederick County Courthouse 001 RP
Frederick High School 001 RP
Frederick Iron & Steel 1916 001 RP
Frederick Post Office 001 RP
Frederick Street Scene 001 RP
Frederick Street Scene 002 RP

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