Photos of the Lewistown, Utica, Mountain Dale area.
Bowers Family 001 RuthP
Bowie, Ruth Bowie Obituary 001 RuthP
Butchering 001 RuthP
Buzzard Rock 001 RuthP
Buzzard Rock 002 RuthP
Chestnut Tree 001 RuthP
Chestnut Tree 002 RuthP
Corn Field 001 RuthP
Crows Nest 001 RuthP
Crows Nest 001B RuthP
Eaton, Carrie 001 RuthP
Fishing Creek at Rte 15 001 RuthP
Fox Family 001 RuthP
Fox, Arthur Fox 001 RuthP
Geasey House 001 RuthP
Geasey House 001B RuthP
Geasey Kids 1946 001 RuthP
Geasey, Hog Pen 001 RuthP
Geasey, Luther and Stella Rice 001 RuthP
Geasey, Luther and Stella Rice 002 RuthP
Geasey, Luther and Stella Rice 1942 002 RuthP
Geasey, Luther and Stella Rice 1943 002 RuthP
Geasey, Luther Sr and Jr 1939 001 RuthP
Geasey, Stella and Mamie Staley 001 RuthP
Geasey, Stella Rice 1969 001 RuthP

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