This is a picture of the High Bridge train wreck on June 24, 1915 taken from a negative in the W. R. Hicks Collection. Two trains, Engine No. 203 & 209 hit head on while crossing High Bridge just West of Thurmont. The accident was caused by a delay in one of the trains and human error. Several trainmen and passengers died in this wreck and it was quite a mess to clean up. As with many other Hicks negatives these are photos of photos. In this case the envelopes mention that the images were copied from Mr. Eyler of Thurmont in July 1968. You will see that several are actually postcard views printed by Rogers Studio located on Water Street right here in Thurmont.

The engine appears to be set back on the tracks awaiting removal from the bridge. The cars behind the engine still need to be put back on the rails. High Bridge crosses Owens Creek and Maryland Rte. 550.


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