This is a photo of the Hagerstown and Frederick Station located on East Main Street in Thurmont. This photo was probably taken n the late 1930's and as you can see the station is looking a little run down. Passenger traffic dropped way off in the late 30's but saw a resurgence during the war yeas. In this view the substation still had it's wiring on the roof. The substation building remains today and looks pretty much as it has during it's entire life. Recent additions of murals and exterior lights has brought this original building back to life. The Substation and H&FRR Motor Freight No 5 now serve as the anchor to the Thurmont Trolley Trail.  The substation building survives today and H&FRR Freight Motor No 5 now sits within the foot print of the old station building. In this view you can also see the small freight platform that stood behind the station building. At the time this photo was taken the electric equipment was still inside the substation building.

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