This is a collection of photos featuring George Wireman or photos from his collection. Many of these photos were made available through the generosity of his grandson Jeff Brown.
For those who knew George, no introduction is necessary but for all others he was a truly local boy and a friend to all. George was born here and spent his entire life in Thurmont. He was a participant in or witness to many of the important events of the post-war 1900's. George was a newspaperman, a radio personality and most importantly Thurmont's historian. George's book, 'Gateway to the Mountains' is the go-to resource for much of Thurmont's history. Many people have their own George stories as do I, it was my pleasure and honor to have known him since I first moved to Thurmont. Whenever the opportunity to speak to him would come around he never failed to tell another interesting story about his life or some event or incident he remembered from his life here in Thurmont.
The photos are broken into several albums and represent images that George had taken at events in and around Thurmont. There are some photo sets that have nothing to do with Thurmont but reflect his personal interests. Two of the albums feature photos from the Memorial Tribute to George and several of my photos of George. I hope you enjoy these images and I invite you to check back as I add more.
09/02/2018These are...
Memorial Tribute
09/01/2018These photos...