This is Orendorff's Store located next to the bank building on East Main Street. It looks like Orendorff's Food Market was a member of the Associated Grocers group. The 1956 Ford Fairlane has tags with the number FL-35-38.

Becky Chrismer Brown remembers the grocery, Before it was Orendorff’s store it was Mr. Bill Rowe’s store. (Above Mr. Rowe’s store was an apartment.). Next door on the east side of the building was where Mr. Peter Burket lived when I was young. Mr. Burket was a member of the bank’s Board of Directors and spent a lot of time sitting on the marble-topped radiators that lined the inside of the bank.

Phyllis Stahley also shared her memories. I remember the store then if I remember correctly they moved to the square where Total Look was up until this year

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